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Adam’s amazing OmniBridge team

Hello, I’m Adam Munder. I’m CEO and Co-Founder of OmniBridge company, which I incubated. Intel is hugely supporting and investing in this company, and I am very excited about that.

We are focused on building on technology that will interpret ASL signs into English subtitles or speaking. This technology is quite complicated. I have pulled to get world-class Intel engineers together to focus on cutting edge technology, computer vision, natural language processing including AI that will be able to understand and analyze semantics of ASL with its facial expression, body language and other qualities.

I also work with annotation and linguistic group that helps our team craft this project. They are well coordinated with our team. This is amazing. I am very excited and I will share a few different vlogs about different engineers and some of the linguists and annotators’ experiences working with us how all of us are well coordinated.

We are very passionate about removing the communication barriers between Deaf people using ASL and spoken English users. We are looking forward to our future. We will bring our product to the market soon. Thank you very much for your time.

Picture of Adam Munder, Co-Founder of OmniBridge at Intel
Adam Munder, Co-Founder of OmniBridge at Intel

Adam Munder is Deaf and has worked at Intel in many engineering roles since 2011. Prior to incubating a new venture backed by Intel Corporation, he started simply, with a big stack of borrowed textbooks and internet information. Coming from an all-engineering background, he is sure to bring a new technology focus to innovation at a time when it is needed most.

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