Adam Munder here. It is hard to believe we are well into Q3 already! OmniBridgeTM continues our mission to bring real-time ASL translation anytime and anywhere! To those ends, I happy to state we have reached our Alpha milestone. What does this mean? We have perfected our data collection allowing us to have a core vocabulary of recognizable signs. The AI recognizes many different sentences and sentence combinations. Here are some examples:
“I want some coffee”
“Our technology is tech for good”
“How are you”
I could go on but to suffice to say we have the basis of conversation! The software is accessed via a web browser and our easy-to-use chat interface. We work ideally on a PC or tablet.
We are now moving toward our Beta milestone. Beta is focused on adding more vocabulary, improving recognition and the addition of fingerspelling. Additionally, we are fine tuning our user interface and adding mitigation for lighting and backgrounds greatly improving our ability to operate in dynamic environments. We are super excited by our results so far!
We are doing several events every quarter giving a sneak preview of our product! Our website and social channels are the best way to stay up to date. I hope to see you at one of our upcoming events!

Adam Munder is Deaf and has worked at Intel in many engineering roles since 2011. Prior to incubating a new venture, he started simply, with a big stack of borrowed textbooks and internet information. Coming from an all-engineering background, he is sure to bring a new technology focus to innovation at a time when it is needed most.