Hello! I’m Adam Munder. I’m Co-Founder and CEO of OmniBridge, a startup company I lead.
The OmniBridge product we build is a bidirectional communication device for use between Deaf people using ASL and hearing English speakers. It will seamlessly translate real-time conversation with no perceivable delays or misinterpretations. It will translate nuances and idioms used by the signing and hearing communities. The AI captures natural ASL conversations through both visual movement and facial expression into subtitles and spoken language that is rich in context and personality.
One day, OmniBridge will be in deaf people’s hands worldwide. Two languages, spoken and signed, in one easy conversation. Interpreters are valuable to us. Yes! But, they aren’t always available. They are necessary and expensive. We cannot always get them in advance and cannot always get qualified interpreters. This is how we, like deaf people, must navigate through the hearing world. This must be stopped! OmniBridge is not intended to replace live interpreters, but to be used in those situations when a live interpreter is not available. OmniBridge technology will fill this gap.
You can imagine that you will go to a store and stop by any retail stores that have OmniBridge technology. All of us, as Deaf people, share the same experiences and frustrations in the hearing world. Numerous situations are going on for many Deaf people all the time in the hearing world.
When I started working at Intel, I was fortunate that two-full time interpreters were provided for me, but that is not true in our world. I decided to make a difference. This was why I started up a new company that has led me to where I am today. OmniBridge will erase current limits for deaf people in the hearing world.
My big vision is to build a cohesive bridge between the hearing and Deaf worlds. Our team and I have set out to create that bridge. The bridge brings two worlds together without adapting one to meet the other. We keep valued ASL language in the Deaf world and we also keep spoken English in the hearing world. Our product is that bridge. My big vision is bringing the Deaf and hearing worlds together.

Adam Munder is Deaf and has worked at Intel in many engineering roles since 2011. Prior to incubating a new venture, he started simply, with a big stack of borrowed textbooks and internet information. Coming from an all-engineering background, he is sure to bring a new technology focus to innovation at a time when it is needed most.